Friday, February 8, 2013

Payday Cash Advance - When You Need Fast Cash

Payday Cash Advance | Bright Day Loans

If you have ever had a need for quick cash due to an emergency but you lacked the money, you know how helpless this feeling is. It is even worse when you do not get paid for another week or two. This is called a cash crunch and a payday cash advance may just be your answer in a situation like this.

Going to a bank at this point when you need the cash now is not the answer since they take a long time to process loans. Moreover, you have to have good credit to even qualify. A payday cash advance is a short term loan for situations where you cannot wait until you're paid. If your electricity is about to be shut off and they will not grant an extension, waiting until you're paid isn't tan option.

Payday loans are easy to qualify for since it is your job or income that is your credit. The amount you can borrow is based on the amount of money you have deposited in your checking account each month. Loans are normally between $100 and $2000. However, you should only borrow what you need. This will make it easier to pay back.

This loan is meant to be short term, therefore the interest is normally based on each hundred borrow. So if you borrow $200 and the lender charges $10, you would pay back $220 on your next payday. The terms are quite simple, and you can have access to your cash in as little as 24 hours.

For more information on payday cash advance loans, continue reading now!

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