Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Grants For Single Mothers

Grants For Single Mothers | SPAOA

There are many grants for single mothers for a variety of purposes.  Just as there are grants that help single mothers with everyday needs, there are also others that help with needs such as funds to go back to school.  These grants generally come from one of two sources: a government source or private organization.

Many grants for single mothers from a government source are provided by the federal government, but there are also many state and local programs as well.  Many of these grants can be used in emergencies for those who have gotten behind on their bills or have other debts that make it even more difficult to raise a child.  However, there are also grants that are designed to help single mothers improve their life circumstances of their own volition.  For instance, grants for single mothers to go back to school are available from both the government and many private organizations.

Those who are looking for grants due to economic hardship can apply to a number of programs such as Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, which accommodates mothers with children under the age of 19.  However, this assistance is not available for more than 60 months and mothers have to participate in work activities for a certain number of hours every week.  There may also be local private organizations as well as government entities that offer assistance to single mothers in cases of emergency, but these organizations can vary according to a number of factors including region.
For more information on parenting and grants for single mothers, visit us here!

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