Monday, September 8, 2014

Make the Most of the End of Summer by Spending on a Budget

School is out and the kids have nothing but time on their hands. You suddenly remember it is your job to keep them occupied. You will survive because you can keep that summer spending on a budget and still find creative and affordable ways to have fun in the sun.

People sometimes tend to become disconnected from the community around them when their minds are preoccupied with the hustle and bustle of feeding the kids, getting them to school, going to work, and doing it all over again. Summertime is the perfect time to get reconnected because your community is an excellent resource for events and activities. Check out your local newspaper or your town’s web site for a community calendar of events. You could find free or low cost art shows, carnivals, movie events, and kids programs.

Sunshine usually means county fairs, barbeques, pool parties, water parks, and countless other events that can really put a strain on the old pocket book. Planning ahead and keeping that summer spending on a budget will make you look like the hero when you are able to fill your calendar. Shop for your favorite barbeque and picnic items using coupons and during sales. When you find a good deal on something you will use all summer long, do not be afraid to stock up. Many places you go to during the summer will allow you to pack your own food in, rather than paying the high prices at concession stands.

Coupons are the key to summer success. You can get coupons for amusement parks, water parks, season passes to community swimming pools, petting zoos, and museums. Newspapers are not the only source either. Listen to radio advertisements because they will often direct you to a grocery store or drug store for discount passes. Go to the web site of the place you want to visit or find yourself a web site dedicated to coupons and couponing. You can save money on summer clothes, swimwear, pool toys, and any other supplies you might need.

You are a warrior and you can beat the buyer’s remorse this summer. Just get creative and keep that summer spending on a budget.